The Integrated Planning Solution for Higher Education
Using ActionKPI’s Integrated Planning Solution for Higher Education, you can more accurately forecast the enrolment mix of undergraduate/graduate programs, empower faculties by increasing transparency to their budgets and balance class demand with faculty onboarding to ensure optimized service to your students.
Stop relying on outdated and inaccurate information from your faculties.
Analyze scenarios and the financial impact of the student enrolment mix
Plan and optimize FTEs, positions and tutors to meet workforce and course demands
Stay ahead of rising education costs by easily conducting scenario analysis
What Our Clients Have to Say About Working With Us:
Introducing The
Integrated Planning SolutionFor Higher Education
A system specifically built for Higher Education that enables you to leverage pre-built models that unify company-wide planning and forecasting on a single platform. Learn about how it works below:
Integrated Resource Planning
Take last year’s approved budget and layer on new budget requests through a collaborative workflow. By centralizing budget requests and establishing an evaluation and ranking criteria based on operation’s needs and strategic initiatives, institutions can allocate funds efficiently and have clear insight into the financial impact and progress of initiatives.
Integrated Resource Planning
Take last year’s approved budget and layer on new budget requests through a collaborative workflow. By centralizing budget requests and establishing an evaluation and ranking criteria based on operation’s needs and strategic initiatives, institutions can allocate funds efficiently and have clear insight into the financial impact and progress of initiatives.
Resource Capacity Planning
Make strategic decisions on where to grow your course offerings with a line of sight to the staff you’ll need to deliver. Build resource capacity scenario planning into your hiring decisions to better prepare for enrolment volatility.
Resource Capacity Planning
Make strategic decisions on where to grow your course offerings with a line of sight to the staff you’ll need to deliver. Build resource capacity scenario planning into your hiring decisions to better prepare for enrolment volatility.
Build your budget in line with your GL and your institutional drivers, using collaborative workflows for all faculties and departments to contribute.
Build your budget in line with your GL and your institutional drivers, using collaborative workflows for all faculties and departments to contribute.
Forecast & Variance
Forecast based on your Income Statement and Balance Sheet, using personalized sandboxes to look at what-if scenarios before committing your forecast. Integrate daily actuals to perform forecast variance analysis throughout the month to facilitate actions and drive results before your month-end close.
Build bottom-up rolling financial forecasts, based on workforce changes, projects, operational plans, enrollments and expense plans, that faculty and department heads can understand and own. Integrate daily actuals to perform forecast variance analysis throughout the month to facilitate actions and drive results before your month-end close.
Forecast & Variance
Forecast based on your Income Statement and Balance Sheet, using personalized sandboxes to look at what-if scenarios before committing your forecast. Integrate daily actuals to perform forecast variance analysis throughout the month to facilitate actions and drive results before your month-end close.
Build bottom-up rolling financial forecasts, based on workforce changes, projects, operational plans, enrollments and expense plans, that faculty and department heads can understand and own. Integrate daily actuals to perform forecast variance analysis throughout the month to facilitate actions and drive results before your month-end close.
Build bottom-up workforce plans based on current, vacant and anticipated positions throughout the year, providing a transparent and up-to-date picture of your labour costs across your institution. Reforecast, adjust plans and take action to reallocate resources faster to minimize deficits and surplus budgets.
Build bottom-up workforce plans based on current, vacant and anticipated positions throughout the year, providing a transparent and up-to-date picture of your labour costs across your institution. Reforecast, adjust plans and take action to reallocate resources faster to minimize deficits and surplus budgets.
Activity Based Costing & Contribution Margin by Program
Determine contribution margin by course programs based on enrollment, pricing and key cost drivers. Roll up course programs and faculty levels to understand the wider performance of the institution. Provide faculty decision-makers with timely information and analysis so they are empowered to steward the growth of their course offerings and take corrective action.
Activity Based Costing & Contribution Margin by Program
Determine contribution margin by course programs based on enrollment, pricing and key cost drivers. Roll up course programs and faculty levels to understand the wider performance of the institution. Provide faculty decision-makers with timely information and analysis so they are empowered to steward the growth of their course offerings and take corrective action.
Financial Performance Per Program
Understanding the financial performance of courses through an apples-to-apples analysis at the credit level. Roll up courses to program and faculty levels to understand the wider performance of the institution. Provide faculties with the right information through data transparency and accuracy so they are empowered to steward the growth of their course offerings in a balanced and healthy manner.
Financial Performance Per Program
Understanding the financial performance of courses through an apples-to-apples analysis at the credit level. Roll up courses to program and faculty levels to understand the wider performance of the institution. Provide faculties with the right information through data transparency and accuracy so they are empowered to steward the growth of their course offerings in a balanced and healthy manner.
Student Services Planning
Analyze the student services required for your students and allocate resources where they are most needed. Run what-if scenarios based on future student demand and ensure future resources are available to be allocated.
Student Services Planning
Analyze the student services required for your students and allocate resources where they are most needed. Run what-if scenarios based on future student demand and ensure future resources are available to be allocated.
Stay ahead of the curve. Plan for demand increases, curtailments, and competitive compensation packages to ensure you’ve got the team to optimize production, whether enrolment patterns are up or down.
Stay ahead of the curve. Plan for demand increases, curtailments, and competitive compensation packages to ensure you’ve got the team to optimize production, whether enrolment patterns are up or down.
Enrolment & Tuition Analysis
Covid has created major disruptions to enrolment patterns with dramatic changes in the mix of international vs domestic enrolments. Have confidence in your financial position and reduce errors or data discrepancies by centralizing enrolment data while providing controlled access to all relevant stakeholders.
Enrolment & Tuition Analysis
Covid has created major disruptions to enrolment patterns with dramatic changes in the mix of international vs domestic enrolments. Have confidence in your financial position and reduce errors or data discrepancies by centralizing enrolment data while providing controlled access to all relevant stakeholders.
Outcomes You Can Count On:
Increase Trust & Accountability
Plan Resources With Confidence
Improve The Accuracy of Your Forecast
Why Us?
Implementation Done By CPAs
Training Beyond The Product
Transfer our knowledge and skillsets to your team to empower future growth outside of simply showing your team what buttons to push.
Experience Within Higher Education
We’ve worked with institutions and have overcome the common challenges that occur when implementing a new planning system.