Planning Analytics Mastermind Group
TM1/Planning Analytics has always been an extremely powerful tool, but time and time again we see it under utilized.
Why Join Our PA Mastermind Group?
The purpose of this group is to educate, inspire and help planning analytics users maximize the outcomes of using this incredibly powerful FP&A/xP&A tool.
What Are Some of the Benefits?
- Once a month, we will send you a Planning Analytics “Digest” including best practices, use cases, interesting stories as well as any news from ActionKPI that might help benefit your organization.
- This is packed with useful information to help you establish best practices within your PA environment.
- Occasionally, we host live virtual events for our members, so you will now be on the list for those exclusive dates!

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With unmatched content and support, the PA Mastermind Group is a place for finance professionals to gain insight into planning analytics best practices.
Our Past Mastermind Content
Planning Analytics Optimization Checklist
In this article, you'll find a tool (linked at the bottom) that will help you start to diagnose...
Common Optimizations for TM1/PA
In my previous email, I highlighted IBM’s newest interface Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW), its...
Planning Analytics Workspace
Quick question, does your organization use TM1 Web or PAW? (Planning Analytics Workspace - the...