John Testimonial

“It’s been awesome and as we are ending our budget cycle for 2022, it’s been huge having that data as we have been moving along. That alone has been amazing. ” John Galleher Vice President, Services...

Orkut Testimonial

“The main challenge that existed before we worked with ActionKPI is we lacked the Business Intelligence to make sense of all the data we have available.” Orkut Polat COO, Hospitality &...

Reid Testimonial

“It was fantastic, and you guys were great to work with… I really enjoyed the process and I love where we are at. I think it tees us up for the kind of work that we want to be doing to find different ways to add value to the business and ways to find value to provide...

Long Testimonial

“It was such a foundational change to how we looked at the budgets – from a manual upload of data that is a month old or even a quarter old to every night. It changed the speed at which we can make decisions & see what is happening. Before, a lot of...